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Cameron, S.A., H.M. Hines en P.H. Williams, 2007. A comprehensive phylogeny of the bumble bees (Bombus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 161-188.

Carvell, C., D.B. Roy, S.M. Smart, R.F. Pywell, C.D. Preston en D. Goulson, Declines in forage availability for bumblebees at a national scale. Biological conservation 132: 481-489.

Drossart, M., Rasmont, P., Vanormelingen, P., Dufrêne, M., Folschweiller, M., Pauly, A., Vereecken, N. J., Vray, S., Zambra, E., D'Haeseleer J. & D. Michez (2019) Belgian Red List of bees. Belgian Science Policy 2018 (BRAIN-be). Mons: Presse universitaire de l’Université de Mons. 140 p.

Edwards, M. & M. Jenner, 2005. Field guide to the Bumblebees of Great Britain & Ireland. –
Ocelli, 106 p.

Falk, S., 2017. Veldgids Bijen voor Nederland en Vlaanderen. Utrecht/Antwerpen: Kosmos Uitgevers.

Free, J.B. en I.H. Williams, 1972. The transport of pollen on the body hair of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) and bumblebees (Bombus spp. L.). Journal of Applied Ecology 9: 609-615.

Goulson, D. en B. Darvill, 2004. Niche overlap and diet breadth in bumblebees; are rare species more specialized in their choice of flowers? Apidologie 35: 55-63.

Goulson, D., 2003. Bumblebees: their behaviour and ecology.- Oxford University Press, 235 p.

Goulson, D., G.C. Lye en B. Darvill, 2008. Decline and conservation of bumblebees. Annual Review of Entomology 53: 191-2008.

Goulson, D., M. E. Hanley, B. Darvill, J. S. Ellis, en M.E. Knight, 2005. Causes of rarity in bumblebees. Biological Conservation 122: 1-8.

Goulson, D., Nicholls, E., Bot
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Jacobs, M. & I. Raemakers (2016) Beheer in functie van (wilde) bijen: handleiding-21 toolboxen.

Kleijn, D., en I. Raemakers, 2008. A retrospective analysis of pollen host plant use by stable and declining bumblebee species. Ecology 89: 1811-1823.

Kosior, A., W. Celary, P. Olejniczak, J. Fijal, W. Krol, W. Solarz en P. Plonka, 2007 The decline of the bumble bees and cuckoo bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombini) of Western and Central Europe. Oryx 41: 79-88.

Madjidian, J.A., C.L. Morales en H.G. Smith, 2008. Displacement of a native by an alien bumblebee: lower pollinator efficiency overcome by overwhelmingly higher visitation frequency. Oecologia 156:835–

Peeters, T., Nieuwenhuijsen, H., Smit, J., Van der Meer, F., Raemakers, I., Heitmans, W., Reemer, M. (2012). De Nederlandse bijen. Zeist: KNNV Uitgeverij.

Peeters, T.M.J. & M. Reemer 2003. Bedreigde en verdwenen bijen in Nederland (Apidae s.l.). Basisrapport met voorstel voor de Rode Lijst.
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Peeters, T.M.J., I.P. Raemakers en J. Smit, 1999. Voorlopige atlas van de Nederlandse bijen(Apidae). European Invertebrate Survey Nederland, Leiden.

Peeters, T.M.J., Nieuwenhuijsen, H., Smit, J., Van der Meer, F., Raemakers, I.P., Heitmans, W.R.B., Van Achterberg, K., Kwak, M., Loonstra, A.J., De Rond, J., Roos, M., Reemer, M. (2012) De Nederlandse bijen. Natuur van Nederland 11, Naturalis Biodiversity Center en European Invertebrate Survey, Leiden, Nederland, 544 p.

Rasmont P., Franz
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Roos, M. & M. Reemer 2009. De Moshommel Bombus muscorum in Zuid-Holland. –
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Scheper, J.A., R.J.M. van Kats, M. Reemer en D. Kleijn, 2014. Het belang van wilde bestuivers voor de landbouw en oorzaken voor hun achteruitgang. Wageningen, Alterra Wageningen UR (University & Research centre), Alterra-rapport 2592. 52 blz.

Sladen, F.W.L., 1912. The humble-bee, it
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Vray, S., Lecocq, T., Roberts, S. & Rasmont, P. (2017). Endangered by laws: potential consequences of regulations against thistles on bumblebee conservation. Annales de la Soci
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